Tuesday, 2 September 2008

New R-Vid Productions Animation Released!

This is an entry into marillions whatever is wrong with you contest. If you read my post on making money from animating, you would know what this is already. For those of you who havent read it, this was a contest to make a video for Marillion's song, Whatever is wrong with you. The contest website can be found here: http://whateveriswrongwithyou.com/

You can find my entry to this contest below, I'd appreciate comments and ratings, thanks guys.


This contest is judged on how many views are received by december, as calculated by youtube. Even though I don't stand much of a chance, considering most other entries have 50k views, It's worth a go, because there is also a prize for the bands favourite entry. So it would be nice to win that, if they like it that is.

Well anyway, check out my video, maybe subscribe to my channel, or even this blog, and read up next time.



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